Saturday, January 24, 2009

Starting a New Journey

I have decided to take control of my health.

With the inspiration of All In Stride, I am going to try and follow an eight week program to becoming a "runner." The program is from the website, I know it will be hard to make the time, but I'm determined to DO IT. Not only do I need to do this for me, but for my family as well. Mason will be all over the place this summer, and I don't want to be out of breath the first five minutes we head outside to play.

I started my first day this morning, and I already feel good about this decision. I spent 30 minutes outside, walking 2 minutes then jogging 1 minute, then repeat. The program says repeat 10 times, but as out of shape as I am, I cut it down just a little. I will probably do Week 1, twice, just to build up my endurance. I will update on my progress at the end of every week. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

You can do it, Brandie! I am so proud of you. I sent you an email (the bellsouth account) for you to be a contributor to the All In Stride blog- I would love it if you would just copy and paste this post and put it in All In Stride- How inspiring!

Can't wait to track your progress and cheerlead for you!

Brandie said...

Thanks so much. I haven't even looked at my email in a few days. I'll do that tonight when I get home.

Just from walking/jogging Sat. and Sun., I am sooooo sore.