Monday, September 29, 2008

Say Cheese

This past Saturday, we attended Phil's 10 year high school reunion at a park in Mt.Pleasant. I took this as an opportunity to take a few pics of Mason.

It's hard to believe I'm married to somebody who's been out of high school for 10 years. I've only been out for 6 years, but 10 will be here before I know it.

It's late, so please excuse me for such short posts. Have a great week.

Colors of Fall

We took a few pictures before heading out to the Southern Fried Festival on Friday evening. The fall like weather was so nice.

GranNanny, Mason, Dakota, & Pap-Paw

Wake Up Happy!

This is how Mason wakes up every morning, with a smile.

Don't you love little pj's?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I forgot to mention, Mason turned 7 months old on Sept. 19. Can you believe it? It's amazing how he's went from just laying on his back or stomach, unable to go anywhere and now he has free reign. Several people told us the first 3 to 6 months are work, but then they just get fun.

I believe he's also getting close to cutting some teeth. He's been a little more fussy than usual, but if he has something to bite down on he seems to be okay.

Monday, September 22, 2008


When we got groceries this week, Mason got to ride in the buggy like a big boy. I took my little digital camera in Wal-Mart with us to get a few shots. If I got to close to items on a shelf, he would try to grab them. He had a big time, and of course everybody that walked by had to say how cute he is.

I used the cart cover we got as one of our baby shower gifts. I really liked it and so did Mason.

We just used the hat as a prop, but did not purchase it, even though it was really cute.


Mason is literally into everything. Below you will see him ripping a page out of the phone book. He was so excited about what he had done.

We've been using the playpen a lot more lately to keep this busy bee in one spot. He likes to press his face against the netting. He's so funny.

He's not far from pulling up on anything he comes in contact with. I just loved how he would sit on his feet and play.

I bought this storage basket to put Mason's toys in when he's not playing with them. And when he's ready to play, he can pick out which toys he wants.

This eveing we went for a stroll. The weather has been simply, wonderful. Mason watched the dogs run around and he would just laugh. It was a nice evening.

Most of you probably saw that Mason didn't make the Baby Calendar from the Daily Herald. He missed it by less than 100 votes. So close. Thanks again to everybody who sent in money to vote for Mason. Maybe we'll try again next year.

We wish everyone an enjoyable week. Hopefully the weather will continue to be as nice.

Monday, September 15, 2008


In the past week Mason has went from crawling "pretty" good to really good. It's amazing what can happen in a week. We had to use the playpen a few times this weekend to keep him in one spot. Here's a few pics from this weekend.


Look at him go!

He decided to play with my camera strap.

Talk about getting into things. "Mason"

"Yes, mommy."

He even visited me in the kitchen, several times. He liked the tile floor.

We ate at Cracker Barrel Saturday evening. Daddy gave him some lemon. He made some funny faces, but would keep going back for more.

Can you say, SOUR?

Phil and I have been in AWW, of our baby boy becoming so mobile. He's always been a sweet baby, but the older he gets the more fun we have. He's also starting to gibber jabber a lot more. But we are still waiting on "da da" or "ma ma.''
Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday With Family

Sunday after church, we had dinner at Nana's house.

On our way.

Nana's is right across the field.

Cousin Justis, what a heart breaker team.

"Can I have some?"

Since Phil's birthday is Sept.10, we celebrated early with a pecan pie.

Nana and the grand kids!

Smoochie, Smoochie!
Boy, will this embarrass them when they're older. Ha!

Mason is defiantly on the go. His crawling is getting better everyday. He can now go from crawling to sitting up with no problem. He likes to do this about 10 to 15 times in an hour. It's amazing how mobile he has become in the past couple of weeks.

He got mommy's shoe.

Have a great week. We'll be spending our time keeping up with Mason.

A Feverish Couple of Days

Let's start with this past Friday. Mason woke up with a 102.4 fever. We gave him Tylenol and took his temp 30 minutes later, it was down to 101.2. I went ahead and took him to the babysitters and called the pediatric clinic when they opened. They said bring him in at 10:30. Dr.Overton said she saw some little white bumps on the back of his throat. She also had the nurse draw some blood out of his finger. He did pretty good with that. His blood count was a little high, so she determined he had a viral infection. We got a prescription for antibiotics and headed home. Phil and I continued to give him Tylenol, then swapped that with Motrin. His fever finally broke on Saturday around 5pm. So, he's all better now.

I gave him a frozen teething ring to chew on, trying to keep him cool. We also gave him a couple of baths during this time to cool him off.

He was a trooper for two days. Not only the fever but he put up with some sinus congestion, which had him and I up for a few hours, two nights in a row. But he's all better now. I guess this is all part of parenthood.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


One morning last week we woke up to an awful racket coming from the baby monitor. Then all of a sudden everything went quiet. I suspected what might have been the problem. I walked in Mason's room and I suspected right. There he was monitor in hand. Busted!

I had to show one where he almost fell asleep drinking his juice. Check out the John Deere sweat pants.

This past Friday night Mason stayed with Gran-Nanny and Pap-Paw. When I arrived on Saturday, this is what I saw. He was pooped.

A picture with Pap-Paw. (Pap-Paw has been working on the farm, thus the dirty overalls.)

Brooke came by to visit. (Mason is laughing at Rosie, my parents Jack Russell.)

He is trying to get her attention.

Here's a few of Mason on the go. He is crawling, slowly but surely. He doesn't even care much about sitting up anymore, he goes straight to his hands and knees. It's so much fun to watch him making this new discovery. Phil and I have got to baby proof the house. I'm sure with in the next couple of weeks Mason will be getting around much faster.

Opera singer?

Every toy meets the mouth.

Just hangin out.

I just checked the Daily Herald's website, Mason is up to 604 votes for the baby calendar contest. Thanks everybody who's voted for him.

Hopefully you'll see us again this weekend.