Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday To Brandie!....# 24

That's right, today is my 24th birthday. Woohoo!! It's been a great day, but this evening it got even better. When Mason and I got home, Phil already had some baked potatoes in the oven and had just fired up the grill for some prime rib. He also made a salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, and boiled eggs. Everything was delicious. Phil is such a blessing to me, and Mason is icing on the cake.

Here's a few pictures from our evening.

Mason is trying to eat mommy's shirt.

"What you doin down there mamma?"

Mason slobbered all in Phil's hair. Better daddy
than mommy.

I'm truly over whelmed with the love I feel for Mason.
He's such an amazing little person.

He's starting to laugh a little. I can't wait to hear his first full chuckle.

We sat outside at the picnic table to eat. The weather was so nice.

Our supper. Thanks Phil. I love you.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Look What We Found!

We spent a little time outside today. Phil mowed the yard and I vacuumed out my car. Mason hung out in his bouncy seat. He loves to be outside taking in all of God's creations. I was taking some pictures of Mason when I heard Phil yelling and looked to find him running across the front yard. At first I thought he'd been out in the heat to long, but then I seen the little bunny hopping in front of him. Phil finally caught him and brought it over for Mason to see. He was definitely curious about this little creature.

"Let me have him daddy."

Mason really wanted to get his hands on the bunny.

Just hanging out.

Lucy (one of our two Jack Russells) joined Mason for a little while.

Mason is rolling over a lot more now and can sort of sit up. He's still taking his baby food really well. We tried some bananas today, which he seemed to like. When laying on his back, he's starting to get his foot closer to his mouth. He actually grabbed his foot yesterday, but only for a few seconds. He's so fun to watch when he's playing. He really concentrates on what he's doing. He's doing a lot of things which would lead us to believe he might be cutting teeth, like drooling, sucking on his fingers constantly, and trying to put everything in his mouth, but no teeth yet.

I wish I could blog more, but during the week when I get home from work I take in all the Mason time I can get. Some evenings, Phil and I almost fight over who's going to hold him. We just can't get enough of our sweet, baby boy. We wish everybody a safe and happy 4th of July.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Some Extras...

I couldn't help but post these. This is my brother, Dakota and our cousin Cory Francis. They were pretending to be spies, and looking for Germans. I'm not sure if they ever found any or not. They were just to cute in those rubber boots and sunglasses.

They are really serious in this one.

I took this picture one morning this week. You can barely see the barns through the fog.

Until next time.

Turning 4 Months Old Means More Shots, OUCH!

Mason had his 4 month checkup on Friday (he actually turned 4 mths on Thursday the 19th). He weighed in at 16lbs 14oz, 25 3/4 ins. long. The doctor said he is above average and we think so too. Everything was fine until the nurse stuck that first needle in his leg, and Mason SCREAMED like I had never heard him before. My mom went with me since Phil was in hay and couldn't make it. I knew with him getting shots I needed somebody else there with me. About 5 minutes later he was asleep in the car seat. Poor baby. I would've taken pictures of it, but who wants to be reminded of that.

In the past couple of weeks Mason has really learned to let out some screams and squeals. Even when feeding him rice cereal or baby food he tries talking and squealing. He's so funny. I told him he couldn't talk and eat at the same time, but I really don't think he cared. We have given him sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, and now squash. He has liked all of them. Although on the second day of green beans he made a weird face every time he took a bite, but he still took them. This week we'll try some fruits and see how that goes.

Posing for mommy's camera.

16lbs of MUSCLE

"Ain't I a stinker?"

He couldn't stop staring at Phil's hat, so he let Mason wear it.
Never to early to teach the right colors.

Mason didn't run a fever last night from the shots but he did this morning, so we gave him Tylenol. His temperature got much better. We went to Lowes and Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and saw a few people we knew. You really can't go to Wal-Mart and not see someone you know. Then when we got home Mason took a three hour nap. I can get a whole lot done in those three hours. Hope everyone had a good week.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Pictures...

We took this morning after church.

Phil, His mom Kathy, and Granny Fite with Mason.

Kathy, Chris (Phil's step-dad), and Mason.

Mommy loves you Mason!

Happy 1st Father's Day, Daddy

We love you Daddy!

Ummm, Sweet Potatoes!!

We hadn't tried any of the rice cereal by spoon in about 3 weeks. So, we wanted to try again, but this time with baby food and see if Mason was ready to take the next step. He took to it like a champ. We gave him sweet potatoes. He loved them. Being a new mom, I did not know, that sweet potatoes would cause gas that bad. Well, they do! Sometimes we thought he had actually used the bathroom, but much to our surprise he was just passing gas that smelled that strong.

He would actually go cross eyed watching the spoon.

He's growing up...

Sometimes he can even hold his bottle. What a good boy.

"There's nothing to this bottle holding stuff."

I guess now we will start our new adventure in eating baby food. Instead of sweet potatoes, we may try green beans or carrots next time. Hopefully one of those will not cause as much of a stink.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Some Pics from VBS...

Mason and his Great-Granny Fite.

Mason and Ella Mae. She's his baby-sitter during the week.

He had lots of fun.

He and Huntleigh got to know each other a little better.

What's up dude?

Mason even played the guitar.

Mason's cousin, Huntleigh also enjoyed VBS.

Huntleigh's brother, Justis was also there.

Mason and mommy in the Hawaiian spirit.

Daddy's silly!

This week wore all of us out. Mason has slept so good during the night. A couple of nights we didn't even hear a peep out of him. He's been an angel this week. Mason is also starting to squeal when he gets excited, it is so cute. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Last night I gave Mason some baby food in the flavor of, sweet potatoes. He loved them. I will post pictures of that tomorrow. It's bedtime now. Bye.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

We have been so busy all this week. I work 8 till 4:30, then pick up Mason, go home change clothes and head to church. VBS starts at 6:00 till 8:30. Mason has been so good for his first VBS. I will post pictures, hopefully Saturday or Sunday.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mason and Friends

I'm still trying to get the hang of posting pictures and descriptions, so bear with me.

This picture goes with the one at the end.
I don't how he gets his feet like this.

Here's a couple from this past week.

Talking with Daddy...

I found this cocoon hanging from our porch railing. I've never seen one up close before.

This weekend.....
Friday night Mason stayed with Gran-Nanny, Pap-Paw, and Uncle Dakota (my little brother who is 7). While Phil and I helped decorate our church for Vacation Bible School this upcoming week. Gran-Nanny took this picture of Dakota giving Mason a bottle. Usually Dakota doesn't want much to do with Mason, but here lately he's started to come around. Dakota has been the baby for 7 years until now.

I think they'll get along just fine.

Saturday, I picked up Mason and Dakota, then headed to Brent, Cassie, Jaskson(age 4), and Cayden's(age 2) house for the afternoon. Cayden and Jackson thought baby Mason was so cute. Since Phil was at work we stayed and had supper with them. The boys played in the little swimming pool while Mason watched from the deck. He couldn't keep up with them. Next year I'm sure he'll be right in the middle of them.

Cayden, Dakota, Mason, and Jackson

This look says it all. Look at the red hair.

Good Buddies...


Mason fell asleep during church, so when we got home I put him in the playpen to get his nap out. The past 4 Sundays he has been so good in church. Sometimes it's hard to pay attention to the preacher when Mason is bouncing around on your leg and talking for everyone to hear.

I had to unbutton this little outfit because it's a little on the short side.
This will be his first and last time to wear this one.

Mason is doing so much. He's much more active. He's constantly putting his hand in his mouth. We believe he's getting close to cutting some teeth. He is such a good baby. Since he was about 2 and half months, he hardly cries anymore unless he's really hungry or sleepy. He doesn't cry when having to be put in the car seat anymore. He's still sleeping through the night. Phil and I are so blessed beyond words to have this little joy in our lives.

Phil, Mason, and I have a busy week ahead of us with VBS. Pray that the children who attend, really listen to the message. Phil has taken off the next two days he works so he could be there every evening to help out. Hope everybody has a great week.