Monday, December 28, 2009

Our Christmas

Insert pic at Granny Rubert's breakfast. (I actually backspaced this picture out. Oops.)

We spent Christmas Eve at Nana and Papa's. Presents and wrapping paper were going everywhere.

A little birthday wish to Jesus!


Christmas morning: Look what Santa brought!

Wearing daddy's new shoes.

One little piece at a time. He was so gentle pulling off the paper.


Family Portrait

Lucy did want to share hers and Macy's new toys.

Once we finished opening gifts at home, we headed to Granny Rubert's for Christmas breakfast. A tradition that's been going on since before I can remember. Boy was it good.

Ashton's 1st Christmas.

Then we spent some time at Nanny, Pap-Paw, and Dakota's, until Granny and Paw-Paw came over. We had some Papa Murphy's pizza, yum.

Mason enjoying Dakota's new video game chair.

I love group photos.

What a great Christmas!! It was such a blessing to spend time with all our family. We wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

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The picture says it all!
Santa Claus visited Mason's daycare on Friday. Only one child did not cry out of eight.

Everybody got a new toy.


Saturday, December 12, 2009


We took Mason to the doctor on Thursday due to a fever he had been running since Wednesday evening. They tested him for the flu and RSV/bronchitis. The doctor says RSV takes about 5 days to complete it's course. He is feeling much better today. No fever, but still has a really bad cough.

He just got over an ear infection during the Thanksgiving weekend. I guess the cold weather brings all the respiratory illnesses back out.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have two families that really need your prayers:

My 2nd cousin, Randy Fox, lost his wife, Reane, Friday night and laid her to rest yesterday. Please keep him and the family in your prayers.

A member of my church, George Holt, passed away on Saturday and was laid to rest today. Please keep his wife, Dot and the family in your prayers.

May God give both of these spouses and the families the strength to carry on with their lives.
God Bless You!

Welcome Ashton, 12-7-09


You can't turn your back on Mason!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Look Back at Thanksgiving 2009

This picture was accidentally left out when posting pics from Aunt Debbie's house.

On Thanksgiving day, Mason and I went with Nanny, Pap-Paw, and Dakota to a dinner in Dickson, TN. My grandfather's brother, George and his family had a Thanksgiving dinner/family reunion, since the only time we all see each other is when someone passes away. That's probably awful to say, but it's true.

Once again, Phil had to work on a holiday.

My Aunt Edie asked me if I would take pictures of all the family. So, of course I did.

The three brothers.

Then that evening we to Aunt Debbie's house for supper.
My cousin Jeremy, and his boys, Jordan & Cameron.

Jordan & Mason

My cousins Christina & Bryan, and myself.

*The family picture at the top would've went here. oops.

Black Friday morning, my friend Nikki and I were parking the car at 6am, at the Wal-Mart in Lewisburg. This was the first time I had gotten up that early to catch all the sales. We also went to Kohl's, Target and ate breakfast at McDonald's, and still managed to make it back home by 10:30. Although Nikki didn't get the 32" TV she wanted, we still had a really good time. What about next year Nikki?

Saturday morning, Phil and I watched Huntleigh and Kelby for a couple of hours. Mason was thrilled to have them over.

Color time.

Kelby, 7 months old.

Saturday evening we ate Thanksgiving at Nana and Papa's.

Cowboy. Like his boots?

Train track.