Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dress Up and Dressed Down

Here are a few pictures from Sunday. (I forgot they were on my camera.)

Mason gets all dressed up for church, but when we get home it's back into play clothes.

This outfit use to be Cayden's. Thanks again Cassie for the hand me down. We got so many compliments on it.

Mowing with Daddy. For a one year old, life probably couldn't get any better than this.

Starting last Friday evening, Mason has felt better than he has in a long time. His sinus have cleared up, he's been sleeping really well again, and he's been into everything. He's always put on a good front even when he didn't feel his best, but this week he has been quite the character. Actually, he's on antibiotics again. We took him to the doctor a week ago last Thursday, because of a really bad cough. Come to find out, he had a slight ear infection in one ear. Don't know how that happened. I thought that's what the tubes were for. He'll go back on his 15 month checkup, so he can get his shots, plus they can check his ears. On another note, like I say all the time, Mason is really trying to say everything we say. He said "flower" today,(almost). Fish or as he says it, "ish" is one of his favorite things to say right now.
Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Funny Moments

Mason has learned if he bends over far enough he can see through his legs. He's really starting to be a show off.

This is what happens when you eat chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.

He still only has 4 teeth.


These pictures are from Friday evening at GranNanny and Pap-Paw's house. Uncle Dakota was blowing bubble for Mason to catch.

If you look hard enough you can see that Mason has a bruise on his forehead. The daycare called Friday around lunch time to let me know, while the kids were outside Mason had been on a riding toy and it flipped, causing him to hit his head on the concrete sidewalk. They just wanted to let me know ahead of time so that when I picked him up I wouldn't freak out when I saw the bruise. I just figure it's not the first bump nor will it be the last.

I love this smile!

He tried so hard to catch those bubbles.

He's holding a small American flag.

Now he's trying to catch the sun.

Monday, April 27, 2009


We had the pleasure of keeping Justis and Huntleigh last Wednesday night, while their mom and dad were still at the hospital. We went to Justis' T-ball practice then came home to eat some supper. On the way home these two couldn't take it anymore.

It's pictures like these that I cherish, and I hope Mason will too, someday.

Eating pizza and french fries.

Thank goodness Mason has enough ride on toys for everybody.

More of Kelby

His mommy, Fiona

With mommy and daddy, Justin

His uncle Phil.


This is how you might find Mason on any given morning. Needless to say his 12 month t-shirts are getting shorter everyday.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mason Has a New Cousin!!

Meet Kelby Lee Mash, born today weighing, 8lbs and 4oz. He is the newest addition to Justin, Fiona, Justis, and Huntleigh's family.

Granny Mash Turns 85!

Granny Mash turned 85 today, but we celebrated yesterday at Williamsport Fire Hall.

Mason sure did have a good time running around outside.


Mason with two of his cousins.

The birthday girl, Granny Mash.

While the adults were talking the kids found their own entertainment in a puddle of water.

Mason's shirt had a fire truck on it that lights up when he moves.

Papa Mash and Mason

Most of the Mash crew, except for me and Fiona.

Update on what Mason's been up to lately:
He can now say, "tractor." When we pass Lynch Equipment, behind the hospital, he says "tractor" at least 3 times. He can also say, "rock" and "shoe." His little voice is so sweet when he says the few words that he knows.
Mason has been pretty healthy for the past couple of weeks, except for a few days of diarrhea. Although yesterday he started coughing and his nose started running. I've given him Zyrtec tonight, so hopefully it will help him. Phil and I have come to the conclusion that Mason may always have something going on with his health.
He also turned 14 months old on Sunday.
Have a great rest of the week.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gitty Up

In the past couple of weeks, Mason has really started to enjoy his "horsey."

You can say, "Get on your horsey," and he knows exactly what to do. I hope to catch him on video from my little camera, so I can show all of you.

Have a great week.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Mason there's one."

Phil, Mason and I went to my cousin, Michael and his wife's Ashley's Easter dinner and egg hunt. The weather wasn't so great, but the kids didn't let that bother them.

Eggs were everywhere.

Most of the time, Mason didn't care about putting the eggs in the bucket, he just wanted to hold them.


Special thanks to Aunt Mary for sneaking Mason some eggs, before the other kids snatched them up.

May the Lord bless each of you this Easter!

Easter at Daycare

I was able to join Mason's class for their Easter celebration on Friday. The kids were just too cute.

They eating their Easter cookies as I came in.

Then the Easter Bunny came to visit. Out of seven kids, Mason was the only one who did not cry sitting in the bunny's lap. A couple of the kids were screaming they were so horrified.

Although in this one, Mason was a little unsure for just a second.

The egg hunt. It was hard to take pictures and try to help him pick up eggs.

Mason did pretty good for his first egg hunt. It was a real treat for me to be there.