Monday, April 6, 2009

Mule Day

Sneak peek at Mason in his overalls a year ago at Mule Day.

The Lord blessed us with the best weather for the Mule Day parade. Phil, Mason, and I had so much fun. Mason was just so cute, we couldn't help but have a good day.

The parade was just getting started.

All Mason could do was point. He was so serious at first, then he could've cared less about the mules and horses, because he wanted to walk around.

Dakota had to have cotton candy.

It's so exciting to see someone you know in the parade. There's Brent, Cassie, Jackson, Cayden, and Jordan.

Off to the park for some good food. We had two people stop us, so they could take a picture of our handsome little guy in his wagon. Taking the wagon was the the best thing we could've done for Mason.

Mason really didn't mind this leash as long as you didn't pull back on it. He was fine walking around with the puppy dog on his back, but when he got to the end of the rope, he would lean forward as far as he could before falling.

Yum, cheese puffs. He rode around in the wagon for the longest content just eating his cheese puffs.

Listening to the music.

A one year old must have his nap. Thanks daddy for making sure he gets one, while mommy shops.

He has longer eyelashes than I do.

GranNanny helping Mason watch Uncle Dakota in his first round. Dakota's in the white shirt.

Mason and Mommy

Great Granny Rubert and GranNanny

Headed back to the car.

We had to check on the chickens after we got home. We gather about 7 dozen eggs. Mason even helped put them in the carton, with very close supervision. He sure loves the chickens.

He automatically does this when you say the word "chicken."
"Here Chicky, Chicky, Chicky."

Heart breaker in the making.

Last year Mason slept through all of the parade, of course he was only 2 months old. He really enjoyed everything this year. I always said when I have a child, I want to pull them in a wagon at Mule Day, my vision finally came true. It was so much fun watching him point at everything and get so excited. It's such an adventure being a parent, although it's hard at times, but his smile makes life a little bit easier. Hope everyone else had a great weekend!


Rachel E said...

I love love love the banner pic and we have the same wagon!!

Brandie said...

Mason had so much fun in that wagon, but when he's done riding he's done, he's coming out of the wagon some way some how. lol