Saturday, January 22, 2011

SnowMan Jan. 10, 2011

We had so much fun! Parker was at Nana's house.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I lost two more pounds this week. Yay! I wouldn't normally say what my weight is, but I will say, I'm finally under the 200 mark. I haven't seen under that in about 4 years. I am so proud. I just pray that I continue to stick with it. Eating healthy can really make a difference. I've noticed my stomach doesn't feel as bloated when I make better food choices and eat smaller meals.

My friend Elana and I, did a Zumba class they offer at the hospital. The moves were similar to the ones from the Xbox Zumba, which was good, because that made it easier for me to follow. It was a lot of fun.

Also, Elana & Katie, and myself will be signing up for the Mule Kick 5k. Of course, I don't expect to run the whole thing, but I do hope to walk/jog most of it.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Taking his first bite of food. Squash!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Big Boy

It has happened and it is great! We can now officially say, Mason is POTTY TRAINED! YAY! He wore underwear all last week to daycare, and did not have any accidents. I think he even surprised his teachers. I was a little shocked myself. He's been doing really good at home for the past 2-3 months wearing underwear and going to the potty, but I thought for sure he would probably have an accident at daycare at least on the first day. He still has to squat on the potty to poo poo, but at least he waits till he gets home to do that. He is so proud to wear his BIG BOY UNDERWEAR! His reward is getting to watch his Mickey Mouse movies. After going #2 in the potty, he yells, "Now I get to watch Mickey Mouse!" before he even gets off the commode.

Bringing in the New Year! 2011

Even though we cheated and celebrated the New Year at 10pm instead of midnight, we all had a great time. I spent most of the night dancing away to the game, Dance Central on the Xbox. Luckily, nobody took a picture of me. (It's only because they don't know how to use my camera, LOL.)

Parker with his "Aunt Cassie."

Dakota & Jackson playing the Xbox.

Shootin' the bull!

Eugene, Granny Rubert, Parker, Granny Pullen

Mason, Nanny, Jackson

Cayden & Mason

Cassie trying to get a kiss from Mason.

I'm ready for 2011. I know a lot of people say they are going to lose weight/get in shape for the new year, then after a month they just give up. I am making small goals for weight loss. Lose a pound a week. My goal is eventually to lose 60 pounds. I've already lost 6 pounds in the last month. I'm trying to make better food choices, eat smaller portions(using a saucer plate to eat supper with), and exercise. Trying to cook more healthy foods for supper, instead of thawing out something frozen. I'm a long way from cooking/choosing the perfect foods for me and my family, but I think we're headed on the right track. I'm doing Zumba on the Xbox Kinnect at 4:30am, before everybody else wakes up, that's the only way I can get any exercise into my daily routine. My biggest cheerleader of course is my wonderful husband, Phil. When I push the snooze on my alarm, he becomes my human alarm. He assures me that I can do this. AND I WILL!!

Also, I've got the two ladies, Elana & Katie, who work in my office on board with eating healthy, watching our caloire intake, and of course, exercise.

Luckily, I went back down to my pre-pregnancy weight about 3 weeks after having Parker. So, I'm starting with the weight I've been trying to get rid of for the past 2 to 3 years.

This is the year to get serious about my weight loss goals!

Our Happy Little Guy

Just a few random shots of Parker, who is now 3 months old (Dec.20.) He will be 4 months next week on Jan. 20. Where has the time gone?

He is such an amazing baby. People ask us all the time, "Does he ever cry?" Yes, he does cry, but it's usually just when he's hungry. He's just a happy baby!

He's grabbing for his toys and hanging on to them. He sleeps all night most of the time, but still has two nights in a row here and there, that he waked up about 4:00. Which actually works out okay, because I give him a bottle, do my work out, then get ready for work.

We just started giving him baby food this past week. He seems to like it.

Christmas with Granny & PawPaw Pullen, Nanny, PowPow, & Dakota

Granny Pullen checking out her gift.

PawPaw, Nanny, Parker, PowPow, Phil

Trying to get the remote controled tractor to work.

Christmas Breakfast with Granny Rubert

Mmm, Christmas breakfast!

Dakota with Cousin Bryan

Granny gave Ashton and Mason the talking Tonka truck.

Aunt Debbie, Parker & Nikki.

Me & one of my favorite little people, Ashton.

Granny & Parker

PowPow and Parker just couldn't stay awake any longer!

Me and my Granny Rubert.

Our Christmas Morning 2010!

A computer!

Toy Story 2 & 3. Yay!

"A green tractor, like daddy's!"

Another one of the best presents we got for Christmas!

Playing with the lion Santa brought him.

Mason was little bit more aggressive with opening his presents this year.

Reading a new book, "God Gave Us Christmas."

He loves his boys!

Awesome Christmas morning as a family of four!!