Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mason turns 3

Happy Birthday, Mason!! Three years ago today our lives changed forever. Wow, where did three years go?

At 3 yrs old, Mason can count to 20, say his ABC's, knows letters A - E when he sees them, knows his colors and shapes, and goes to the potty all by himself at home and daycare. Sometimes he can draw a circle, or so he thinks it's a circle. Cute.

He loves for me to read books to him, we have to read at least 2 or 3 before bed. He loves to watch Mickey Mouse, Little Einsteins, Tom & Jerry, Wonder Pets, Dora the Explorer & Jungle Junction. He also loves to watch the Toy Story movies, Finding Nemo, and most recently, Wall-E. Oh, and he loves his little brother.

He's an amazing little guy. We loves him so much, even though sometimes he drives us crazy, but that's a typical toddler thing, I guess. LOL!


Mommy & the Boys

Just a few of the boys....

Phil and I have been beyond blessed with these two wonderful little boys. They are so precious! I'm so thankful for their health and the love they give us.

Pure cuteness.

Like two peas in a pod. They love each other so much already! It's so stinkin' sweet!

He can almost get his foot in his mouth.

A little junle gym play time.

Mason & Phil

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Parker 4 Months

Parker turned 4 months on Jan. 20. He had his check up on Jan. 21. He weighed 15 pounds and 12 ounces. He was 27 1/4 inches long. Head circumference was 43 cm. He had to get 2 shots, one in each leg. He didn't even flinch on the first shot, but that second one got him. But he only cried a little. He's a tough, little fella. He's such a happy baby. Even the doctor said, "He's really laid back." I have to admit, having two kids has been easier than I thought it would be.

At four months old, Parker can eat baby food, grab for everything, and somewhat sit up. He'll sleep all night 2 or 3 days in a row, then wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning, 2 or 3 days in a row. But he's such a good baby, we really don't mind. He loves to watch his big brother. He literally smiles all the time. You just have to make eye contact with him and he lights up!

Phil had to pick up Parker early on Monday from daycare. He was running a fever that got up to 101.6. Phil took him to the ACC. Luckily, the flu culture came back negative. He was very congested and had a cough that sounded like a seal. They prescribed an antibiotic and a steroid. He is much better now, still has a litte bit of a deep cough. He stayed home with Phil yesterday, but went back to daycare today. He's his usual smiling self.