Monday, November 30, 2009

Funny Monkey

Mason having fun with the monkey car.

We had some fun the other night rolling the car to one another.

He has the most precious smile I've ever seen!
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Getting Ready for Ashton!

Mason, just before he jumps into the leaves.

Saturday was all about the baby shower for Bryan and Nikki. I took a few snapshots of the parents-to-be, then we ate some good food, played games, and opened gifts.

Check out BRANDIE MASH PHOTOGRAPHY to see more of Bryan and Nikki.

In the leaves.

Corey, Baylee, Mason, & Dakota. Mason would do whatever the big kids did, or at least try.

We played the dirty diaper game. That was a hoot!!

GranNanny and Granny Rubert laughing at everybody sniffing the diapers.

This picture has a story to it. Bryan and Nikki told several people they needed some DREFT laundry detergent. Well, that stuck with Granny Rubert and she bought them 2 gallons of it. This stuff is pretty expensive.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Then he woke up and ate two peanut butter cookies covered in white chocolate.

Some other happenings:
I took Mason to the doctor last Thursday for a diaper rash that was just not going away. Come to find out he has a yeast infection. The doctor prescribed Nystatin. Needless to say that didn't work, so we were back in the doctor's office on Monday morning. Let's just say his little private area looked awful. Apparently, a yeast infection can do that. A different doctor prescribed a different cream and advised to use Monistat. Luckily this has worked. Today the rash/infection looks much better and will soon vanish completely. (Just some info in case some other new parents go through the same thing with their little one.)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Color of Fall

Fall is such a beautiful time of year.

Mason posing for the camera. "Say Cheese"

Pilot and Co-Pilot

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the 70 degrees on Saturday.
God Bless.

Some Trick or Treating

Great Granny Mash

Great Granny Fite

Our little dinosaur!

Mason was too CUTE for Halloween.

A Little Party

We had a small Halloween party on Saturday night, plus a hayride.

Thanks, everyone who came out and enjoyed some chili and desserts.

Halloween at Daycare

I had the pleasure of being in Mason's class, as they enjoyed dressing up and trick or treating from room to room. They were all so cute!

Yum, Candy!

After all the fun. Getting ready for a snack.