Tuesday, December 30, 2008


On Christmas Day, I was walking Mason around and let go of his hands and he just stood there. Of course I didn't have my camera close to me the first time, but I got GranNanny to stand him up and see if he would do it again. He stood long enough for me to get a few pictures. He wouldn't take a step, but you could tell he thought about it. I'm sure it's coming very soon.

I think his tongue kept him balanced.

He also can push this cart while walking behind it.

I had to take Mason to the doctor today for them to check his ears again. The doctor said he still has an infection in both ears. Of course, he prescribed more antibiotics and told us to come back in ten days. He's been feeling good up until yesterday and today. He is coughing every so often and he has the usual runny/stuffy nose. To my surprise the doctor said we could give him a 1/4 of a teaspoon of children's Zyrtec at bedtime for the runny nose and sneezing and Mucinex for his cough. I hope this helps him and he feels better tomorrow.
Have a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Last, Christmas with Great Granny & PawPaw Pullen

I really enjoyed the group photos.

Mason put something in PapPaw's pocket.

He was a good helper.

Showing off his cart.

Needless to say we were exhausted by the end of the day.

2nd Stop, Great Granny Rubert's for Christmas Breakfast

Eugene let Mason play with some of his trucks.

Dakota trying to figure out a toy he got.

Aunt Debbie helping Mason open his present from Granny.

Say Cheese.

First Stop, GranNanny and PapPaw's

We stopped at GranNanny and PapPaw's first, then rode together to Great Granny Rubert's for breakfast, then back to GranNanny & PapPaws to have Christmas with Great Granny & PawPaw Pullen.

Uncle Dakota's new puppy, Bubba.

Mason got a grocery cart.

Christmas Morning!

We had to do a quick Christmas morning, so Phil could get to work on time. That's right Phil had to work on Mason's first Christmas.

My sweeties.


Look what Santa Claus left him.

Checking everything out.

It was such a "cozy" feeling having Christmas with our child. I'm pretty sure he liked everything he got.

Christmas Eve at Nana & Papa's

A few pictures from Christmas Eve.

Group photo.

Mason could not keep his lips out of Great Granny Fite's boiled custard.

The best gift of all. Mason!

Huntleigh assured Mason she could open her own presents.

He was happy with just the paper.

Mason with Nana & Papa.

We had lots of good family fun.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Here is our Santa Baby. He is by far the cutest Santa I've ever seen.

Our sweet baby.

I'm not sure what he's trying to do here.

I love his expression in this one. He looks like he's up to something.

Trying to escape.
I took these pictures in 5 minutes. Phil would sit him down and he would take off after the camera. I was snapping like crazy and hoping for the best.
This is what I wanted to do for our Christmas cards but I knew I wouldn't take them in time to get developed and mail out, so that's why I had his pictures made somewhere else. But at least I can still share them with everyone in the blog world.
Did you notice that is tongue is sticking out in half of the pictures? Silly Santa.
If we don't post before Christmas, have a Merry Christmas!
Phil, Brandie, & Mason

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Decorating for Christmas

Mason and I decorated our tree on Sunday evening. Normally, I put a little 2 foot artificial tree on top of our stereo, but this year for Mason's first Christmas, I wanted a real tree. Going from a small tree to a big one made our ornaments look scarce. We don't have a fireplace to hang our stockings, so we made do with hanging them on the lower part of the tree, (also to take up some space).

Mason unpacking the ornaments.

He found a candy cane.

I forgot all about this ornament. When I took it out of the box, it opened it's eyes and mouth and said, "Hey, up here, hanging in the tree." Then it preceded to sing "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree." Needless to say Mason was infatuated with it.

Mason's first ornament. I got this at the Nashville Fairgrounds when they held the Christmas Village.

I got this ornament at a Christmas shoppe in Myrtle Beach.

His stocking. He picked it out himself at Toys R Us.
Mason has really enjoyed the tree, especially when we turn off the living room lights and we just have the tree lights. We are now counting the days till Christmas. It'll be here before we know it. Have a great week.