Monday, December 15, 2008

We've Been Sick Again

Let me start with Thursday. I went to the doctor and found out I had a sinus infection. It was a first for me. They gave me a steroid shot and antibiotics. I also was told to buy some Mucinex for nasal/sinus congestion. Oh, how I felt so much better the next day.

The picture below was taken of Mason on Thursday evening, after Nana and I made it safely home in the snow. If you look closely you can see that his eyes were pretty swollen. It was heartbreaking to look at him. Phil kept him Friday, with Nana watching him for a couple hours of the day. We thought if we kept him at home and didn't get him out in the cold, he would get better. Well, I should've went with my instinct and had Phil bring him to the pediatric clinic. But I didn't do that until 8:30 Saturday morning. His eyes looked better then, but there was a lot of gooey stuff coming out of them. The doctor said his ears were a "mess", so that's what was causing his eyes to swell. She prescribed antibiotics for the infection in both ears and some eye drops for the conjunctivitis (pink eye). To go along with that, he ran a fever most of Saturday and developed a croup like cough.
Around 2:30 on Saturday, Mason's breathing changed, it's like it was an effort for him to breath. Phil was at work so I called Nana to come over and see what she thought. She also felt the same way. We loaded Mason up and took him to the ACC to be checked out. They bumped him ahead of a couple of people. Nurse checked his temp. and it was 100.3, (not bad) she checked his oxygen and it was fine. Then the doctor came in and watched Mason's ribs as he breathed. He listened to his chest and back, said everything sounded fine. He felt like because Mason was congested in his nose that was causing him to breath like he was. We left feeling much better knowing he was okay as far as his breathing goes. Needless to say Mason and I slept in the recliner all night long. He actually slept pretty good.
Sunday you could tell Mason felt a little better. We didn't to church since pink eye can be very contagious. He seemed to get even better throughout the day, except for the cough.
Today, I was dressed and ready to go to work, but really didn't want to get Mason out in the weather. I just want him to get 100% better. Finally, I made up my mind I would stay home and give him one more day. Also, Phil was off today, but laid on the couch all day, because he was not feeling good at all. He had aching muscles and a headache. Mason and I played most of the morning, then we all took a nap, then played some more. (Being home today, has really made me want to stay home permanently, but we want a house someday, so I guess I'll have to keep contributing to our house fund.)

This picture really doesn't show how bad his eyes were, but you can see they were puffy.

I took a few of him Sunday playing with the humidifier. He would stand up beside, smack it with his wooden spoon, and bounce beside it.

He saw me with the camera.

By the way, Phil is feeling much better tonight. I think Mason will be okay enough to go to the babysitter tomorrow. Maybe we're all on our way to being 100% for Christmas.
Have a great week.
P.S. Mason can now walk down the length of the couch and back, while holding on of course. He can actually stand for a 3 or 4 seconds by himself when you let go of his hands, then he sits down. So, I think it might be another month before he might take some steps without holding onto anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness! I'm glad to hear everything is getting better. Mason is SO CUTE. I just love your photos of him- you really capture his personality. I feel like I know him.