Monday, December 22, 2008


Here is our Santa Baby. He is by far the cutest Santa I've ever seen.

Our sweet baby.

I'm not sure what he's trying to do here.

I love his expression in this one. He looks like he's up to something.

Trying to escape.
I took these pictures in 5 minutes. Phil would sit him down and he would take off after the camera. I was snapping like crazy and hoping for the best.
This is what I wanted to do for our Christmas cards but I knew I wouldn't take them in time to get developed and mail out, so that's why I had his pictures made somewhere else. But at least I can still share them with everyone in the blog world.
Did you notice that is tongue is sticking out in half of the pictures? Silly Santa.
If we don't post before Christmas, have a Merry Christmas!
Phil, Brandie, & Mason


Anonymous said...

Your banner photo looks like something out of a magazine! Great pictures!!! You just keep getting more creative! Of course, you have a good subject!

Have a wonderful Christmas! Hope you got all your shopping done! We're going out AGAIN tomorrow. Sheesh!

Brandie said...

Thanks so much for the compliment, Sarah. Like I always say, I just can't take a bad picture of Mason. Same with you, I've yet to see a bad picture of Jack. We are so blessed to have such handsome and healthy baby boys.