Sunday, November 14, 2010

Parker the Puppy Dog!

These were taken Friday, Nov. 12, on top of his changing table, not a studio (where I would've paid over $100 bucks to get the pictures taken and get copies made, crazy!)

Parker at 7 wks old.

He's growing!

A few snapshots of Parker in the last week. (7 wks old)

"There's Mickey Mouse and Donald and Goofy!"

Last Sunday (Nov. 7), Phil, Mason and I went to see Mickey's Rocking Road Show Live, at the Municipal Auditorium. Mason was as still as could be and his eyes were glued to the stage. He would bounce to the music and clap and yell when Mickey did. He loved it! Phil and I enjoyed it too! After the show was over, Mason asked, "Where did Mickey go?" I replied, "Mickey has to go home and rest after all that dancing." Mason accecpted that answer and said, "Yeah, he's tired after all the dancing." Of course Mason asks that same question every morning after Mickey Mouse Clubhouse goes off the TV. I pretty much give him the same answer.

(Parker stayed with his Nana for the afternoon.)

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Little Smile

Parker is starting to smile!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Mason's class at daycare. They had a Trick or Treat party on Friday.

We did our Trick or Treating on Saturday night.

Our scary skeleton.

It's just Mason.

Our cute little pumpkin, Parker.

After getting some candy we headed to Nanny and PowPow's for some chili.


Kelby, Huntleigh, & Justis