Monday, February 15, 2010

Just some things we did......

Mason helped daddy cut out biscuits. He's a big helper! He loves to be a part of whatever you are doing.

All that biscuit making wore him out.

Some daddy and Mason time!

A Valentine card.

A Valentine balloon.

This past Saturday we went to Jackson's 6th birthday party.

Can you guess what he got?

He also got some battery operated hamsters. Jackson's mom said,"You take care of them just like real hamsters, AND you can put clothes on them." I think Mason was more intrigued then Jackson.

Me and Cassie (Jackson's mom.) We were the same shirt and didn't even call each other.

Church was called off on Sunday due to the snow. Mason and I stayed indoors all days, while Phil worked in the shop.

His masterpiece!

We played in the snow for about 20 minutes when we got home this evening. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of snow! It's enough already!

"Catch some snow Mason."
My little man! There's no greater blessing, than being a parent! No doubt, there are some rough/tiring times with a newborn/toddler, but when I say, "I love you Mason," and he returns with, "I love you momma," NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! You know they love you, but to hear them say it is a feeling like no other. (I'm tearing up as I write this!)

I think that about gets us caught up.
I had a doctor appointment last Tuesday. They didn't do much, mainly just got the paper work started, and drew some blood. Sunday marked the first day of my 8th week. It's pretty much been the same as the first pregnancy, except I'm keeping the nausea/"I don't feel good" feeling most of the day, where as last time it went away after I ate breakfast. I am thankful that I still don't have morning sickness! Oh, and the fatigue is terrible! I hope this all passes once I'm out of the first trimester.