Friday, February 27, 2009


Mason and I signed in at 6:40 am. We only waited about 10 minutes before they called us back to the holding room. I put his little gown on, which he looked so cute in, then daddy came in. Phil had to work yesterday so he didn't get off shift until 7 am. We spent most of that waiting time taking pictures, which I will have to upload once I get home. They took Mason back, and asked us to go to the recovery room and be ready for him in a few minutes. Literally, it was only about 5-7 minutes. We heard another little boy crying in the next room, so we were a little nervous about how Mason would be when he came out. They came out, gave him to Phil and he was already whining, then to crying. It broke my heart, but they had warned us that he would be cranky and just confused. I couldn't take it anymore, so I got him from Phil and we sang to him. It took about 15 minutes before he finally calmed down. He wanted his sippy cup right away. I'm so thankful everything went well, and he can finally get some relief from his ears and congestion. Phil has taken him home, so they can cook some scrambled eggs and biscuits. He's such a little trooper.

Pictures will follow tonight.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Doctor Ordered TUBES!

We saw an ear, nose, and throat doctor today and they scheduled Mason to have tubes put in, on Friday morning, Feb. 27. We have to be there at 6:30 and the surgery at 7:30. I'm more worried about making it there at 6:30. I can't even make it to work on time at 8:00. I'm so glad he's finally getting this done, so that maybe he can get some relief from being sick 2 or 3 times a month. The part where he has to be put to sleep scares me a little, but I know they're not giving him enough that would actually hurt him. Just remember to add Mason to your prayers.

Mason also had his one year check-up today. He weighed in at 24lbs and 12oz, 30 in. long. He's still above average! We told the doctor he can say, "dog, hot, hat." He has tried to say, "eyes." The doctor was well pleased that Mason had been off the bottle for a month and drinking whole milk. He had to get his finger pricked and have two shots. He took it like a champ. When the nurse pricked his finger, he never flinched, instead he watched every move she made while squeezing blood out of his finger. The nurse said he put the big kids to shame.

All in all, we got a good report.

We go back when he's 15 months old, to get more shots.

On a different note:
Now that Mason is walking, we are having a tough time keeping up with him. Now, he likes to race us to the toilet. Yes, the toilet. He wants to open the lid and put whatever is in his hand in the bowl. Needless to say, he's gotten his hand smacked a few times this week. It must be part of turning one.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mason's Birthday Party

Saturday first started out sort of hectic. Since Mason and I have been under the weather, we did not get a head start on the cleaning and decorating, like I had first planned. Needless to say, I was a little crazy. (Just ask Phil.) This was not only Mason's first party, but my first birthday party to be in charge of everything. Phil and I started cleaning the fire hall around 9:30am, and just barely finished in time. Of course we had lots of help to bring it all together.

Here's lots of pictures!

Mike and Great-Granny Pullen






The Birthday Boy

Nicole, Bryan, Jason(ha, told you I got one of ya), Kris, Baylee

Mason with Aunt Edie

Nana and Papa

One of my favs! I love these two boys more than I can say!

Of course Mason liked the cards, paper, and bows more than the actual presents.

I think you can tell he had so much fun. It's not everyday you get to celebrate your first birthday.

The cutest cake, made by Kris.

Don't you just want to grab him up, he's so adorable?

He clapped, pretty much after every piece of cake he ate.

This is the smiley face on top of the cake, that his daddy had to fish out, because he stuck the entire thing in his mouth.

Mason with Elizabeth

Uncle Dakota and Justis

Mason with buddy, Austin.

Mason with GranNanny and Great-Granny Rubert

The party is over, time to get silly.

Mason with Papa Mash

Mason with Pap-Paw

I have several big, THANK YOU, shout outs:

To Nana, for keeping Mason, while Phil and I cleaned and decorated.
To Papa, for video taping us opening presents and Mason with the cake.
To GranNanny(and Dakota), for helping me finish up the decorations, with the food, and helping us clean up afterwards.
To Great-Granny Rubert, for helping with decorations and slicing onions.
To Cassie, for helping me with the food, getting Mason's gift from Phil and I in a bag, and helping with the decorations.
To Brent, for grilling all the hamburgers and hot dogs.
To Kris, for the wonderful cake.
To Chopper, for helping us clean up afterwards.
And last, but not least, Mr.Rick Mullen, for taking pictures that will last us a lifetime. Thank you so much for being willing to take pictures, and doing an awesome job. (I loved all of them!)
Thank you to everybody who came and celebrated this very, special occasion. One day Mason will see how many people love and care about him.
Phil and I are still in awe, that our little boy is a year old. It's exciting, but sort of sad, in a way. But, God willing, we'll have many more birthdays to celebrate with our precious, Mason.
We wish everyone a great week ahead.
Phil, Brandie, and Mason

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ear Infection Will Not Go Away!

I took Mason to the doctor yesterday, because he was so congested. He's been going along so good for the past few weeks, of course he was on antibiotics for about 4 weeks straight in Jan. I was afraid when his birthday party approached, he would get sick. Well, the doctor said his ears are still red and one is way worse than the other. I had hoped, the ear infection was clearing up from extending the antibiotics a few weeks ago, but no such luck. She said he met all the criteria for getting tubes put in. She made us an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat doctor, on Wednesday, Feb. 25, to have a consultation and go from there. That same day is also when we're suppose to have his one year check-up and get all those dreaded shots. However, until then, he's on more antibiotics to clear up all the congestion. I just pray he feels good for his party so that he can enjoy everybody and everybody can enjoy him.

I've heard a lot of people say, once a child gets tubes put in, it makes a world of difference. Hopefully we'll get to see that.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


One whole year of Mason Scott Mash. Happy Birthday to our sweet, baby boy. Oh, I guess he's not a "baby" anymore.