Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Doctor Ordered TUBES!

We saw an ear, nose, and throat doctor today and they scheduled Mason to have tubes put in, on Friday morning, Feb. 27. We have to be there at 6:30 and the surgery at 7:30. I'm more worried about making it there at 6:30. I can't even make it to work on time at 8:00. I'm so glad he's finally getting this done, so that maybe he can get some relief from being sick 2 or 3 times a month. The part where he has to be put to sleep scares me a little, but I know they're not giving him enough that would actually hurt him. Just remember to add Mason to your prayers.

Mason also had his one year check-up today. He weighed in at 24lbs and 12oz, 30 in. long. He's still above average! We told the doctor he can say, "dog, hot, hat." He has tried to say, "eyes." The doctor was well pleased that Mason had been off the bottle for a month and drinking whole milk. He had to get his finger pricked and have two shots. He took it like a champ. When the nurse pricked his finger, he never flinched, instead he watched every move she made while squeezing blood out of his finger. The nurse said he put the big kids to shame.

All in all, we got a good report.

We go back when he's 15 months old, to get more shots.

On a different note:
Now that Mason is walking, we are having a tough time keeping up with him. Now, he likes to race us to the toilet. Yes, the toilet. He wants to open the lid and put whatever is in his hand in the bowl. Needless to say, he's gotten his hand smacked a few times this week. It must be part of turning one.


Anonymous said...

Tubes = happiness.
We'll be praying for Mason.

That cracks me up about the toilet. Jack is the same way. We have to make sure we close the doors b/c we've already had to fish some toys out. Yuck!

Brandie said...

I sure hope these tubes work as well for Mason as they have for Jack. It would be a big relief on Mason and for us as well.

Thanks for your prayers. I'm sure everything will go smoothly, but as parents I guess it's normal to worry about the smallest things.

Anonymous said...

Girl, by the time we got him home from the surgery, it was like nothing had happened. He was groggy getting in the car seat, and by the time we got him home he was sitting in the floor playing with toys as usual.

It really did make a HUGE difference. And the deal with being a genius chatter box- NO clue. We just try different stuff and he either picks up on it or ignores us. Strange.

I can tell you this- I have learned how amazing and different each child is- Jack is nowhere NEAR walking- not even interested in being walked around the living room. It is just crazy what kids decide to pick up on first.

Brandie said...

It is weird, what babies choose to do first. I have noticed in the past couple of weeks, that Mason is trying to repeat some words that we say. If it's a 3 to 4 letter word he will try, if it's more than that he just looks at us. It's just amazing how much they learn from week to week.