Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday To Brandie!....# 24

That's right, today is my 24th birthday. Woohoo!! It's been a great day, but this evening it got even better. When Mason and I got home, Phil already had some baked potatoes in the oven and had just fired up the grill for some prime rib. He also made a salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, and boiled eggs. Everything was delicious. Phil is such a blessing to me, and Mason is icing on the cake.

Here's a few pictures from our evening.

Mason is trying to eat mommy's shirt.

"What you doin down there mamma?"

Mason slobbered all in Phil's hair. Better daddy
than mommy.

I'm truly over whelmed with the love I feel for Mason.
He's such an amazing little person.

He's starting to laugh a little. I can't wait to hear his first full chuckle.

We sat outside at the picnic table to eat. The weather was so nice.

Our supper. Thanks Phil. I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that first photo of Phil and Mason! And what a sweet daddy (not that I'm surprised). Happy Birthday Brandie!