Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday With Family

Sunday after church, we had dinner at Nana's house.

On our way.

Nana's is right across the field.

Cousin Justis, what a heart breaker team.

"Can I have some?"

Since Phil's birthday is Sept.10, we celebrated early with a pecan pie.

Nana and the grand kids!

Smoochie, Smoochie!
Boy, will this embarrass them when they're older. Ha!

Mason is defiantly on the go. His crawling is getting better everyday. He can now go from crawling to sitting up with no problem. He likes to do this about 10 to 15 times in an hour. It's amazing how mobile he has become in the past couple of weeks.

He got mommy's shoe.

Have a great week. We'll be spending our time keeping up with Mason.


Anonymous said...

What SWEET kissy pictures! Hope Mason is feeling better! Oh, and I saw the cutest firefighter halloween outfit on-line...I thought of the Mash's!!!-Corbin

Anonymous said...

I love the photo with the pecan pie- happy birthday fire fighter phil!