Wednesday, September 3, 2008


One morning last week we woke up to an awful racket coming from the baby monitor. Then all of a sudden everything went quiet. I suspected what might have been the problem. I walked in Mason's room and I suspected right. There he was monitor in hand. Busted!

I had to show one where he almost fell asleep drinking his juice. Check out the John Deere sweat pants.

This past Friday night Mason stayed with Gran-Nanny and Pap-Paw. When I arrived on Saturday, this is what I saw. He was pooped.

A picture with Pap-Paw. (Pap-Paw has been working on the farm, thus the dirty overalls.)

Brooke came by to visit. (Mason is laughing at Rosie, my parents Jack Russell.)

He is trying to get her attention.

Here's a few of Mason on the go. He is crawling, slowly but surely. He doesn't even care much about sitting up anymore, he goes straight to his hands and knees. It's so much fun to watch him making this new discovery. Phil and I have got to baby proof the house. I'm sure with in the next couple of weeks Mason will be getting around much faster.

Opera singer?

Every toy meets the mouth.

Just hangin out.

I just checked the Daily Herald's website, Mason is up to 604 votes for the baby calendar contest. Thanks everybody who's voted for him.

Hopefully you'll see us again this weekend.

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