Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Feverish Couple of Days

Let's start with this past Friday. Mason woke up with a 102.4 fever. We gave him Tylenol and took his temp 30 minutes later, it was down to 101.2. I went ahead and took him to the babysitters and called the pediatric clinic when they opened. They said bring him in at 10:30. Dr.Overton said she saw some little white bumps on the back of his throat. She also had the nurse draw some blood out of his finger. He did pretty good with that. His blood count was a little high, so she determined he had a viral infection. We got a prescription for antibiotics and headed home. Phil and I continued to give him Tylenol, then swapped that with Motrin. His fever finally broke on Saturday around 5pm. So, he's all better now.

I gave him a frozen teething ring to chew on, trying to keep him cool. We also gave him a couple of baths during this time to cool him off.

He was a trooper for two days. Not only the fever but he put up with some sinus congestion, which had him and I up for a few hours, two nights in a row. But he's all better now. I guess this is all part of parenthood.

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