Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Get It"

Last night was the first time I had given Mason his own utensil to eat with. He was so fun to watch. He would chase a green from one side of the tray to the other. Sometimes he would just give up and get it with his fingers. He did really good on his first attempt.

"Get it."

He makes this face all the time. You can't help but laugh.
Besides using a fork now, Mason is really trying to say "dog." It sounds more like "dough." He's also trying to copy me when I say "moooo." He's still taking a few steps every now and then without holding on to anything. He can walk pretty good beside me or Phil with holding on to one of our fingers. It's so sweet.
One another note, Mason is completely off the bottle and has been for 2 1/2 weeks now. He'll go to sleep just fine without it, so we decided it was a good time to just take it away. I'm so glad, because I don't have to wash bottles anymore!
An update: Mason's babysitter, Ella Mae, was discharged from the hospital last week. She's doing much better, but still has to come to the hospital to get IV antibiotics everyday. Last week, Phil kept Mason most of the time, but my Granny Rubert kept him last Thursday, and GranNanny kept him most of Friday. This week he is staying with a lady, Sandy Clark, who's not far from our house. We are not sure what we are going to do in the next couple of weeks. I had signed him up at Hospi-Tots when all this first happened with Ella Mae, because we didn't know how long it would be. At the time Hospi-Tots didn't have an opening in his age group, but they called me Monday and said once he turned a year old, they would have an opening in that age group. I'm torn between, "Is he ready to go to a daycare with other kids, or should he just continue to stay with a single caregiver?" I really think he would love to be with other kids, and plus this daycare is just across the street from me. Another thing is we wouldn't have to worry about his caregiver getting sick and not being able to keep him, because they have more then one caregiver there. Sorry to ramble on, but this has just been on my mind. Have a great week.

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