Friday, January 16, 2009

The Power of Prayer!

We had a little bit of a scare yesterday after finding out that Ella Mae tested positive for Strep Meningitis and that is what had caused all of this to happen to her. As soon as I heard the word "meningitis" I pretty much panicked. I actually spoke with her doctor in CCU, to find out if I needed to take Mason to the doctor and have him checked for it as well. He didn't seemed concerned about Mason having it or the other two boys she kept. He said we could take him to the pediatrician just to be on the safe side. Then I got word from her family that it could have come from Mason's ear infection. So, I immediately Googled to see if there was a connection between an ear infection and meningitis, and from what I could find there is. I then got worried that all this had happened because she caught it from Mason. Basically, I was crying off and on since I found out she had it up until Phil and I took Mason to the doctor to see what needed to be done for him. (Phil left work for a little while then went back.) The doctor did not seem to be concerned with Mason having it or any chance that he could've given anything to Ella Mae. Although, he does still have an ear infection. She did prescribe more antibiotics and said if this round doesn't get rid of the infection we will have to see a ear, nose, & throat doctor and talk about getting tubes.

Long story short, when I talked to Ella Mae's son-in-law last night, she was still not responding to any of the family, but the doctors were positive the antibiotics would get the meningitis under control, then they would go in and look at her heart because they also believed she may have had a small heart attack. They can not look at her heart until the meningitis is okay. Her son-in-law also assured me, from talking to her doctors, that she did not get this from Mason. Really, I guess it doesn't matter how she got it, as long as she gets better and nobody else is at harm. Which I was reassured about that as well, that nobody who's had contact with her is in any danger of having it. (Great news.)

This is where the "Power of Prayer" title comes in. When Phil got off shift this morning, he came to the hospital to see the family. He walked in and spoke with her husband and was not expecting Ella Mae to even know him. To his surprise she spoke out, "Phil you didn't have to come down here." He said he about fell out. She is responding to the antibiotics and the family. Amen! This is wonderful news. Please keep praying for her.

P.S. Mason stayed with his Papa yesterday and his cousin Aiden. Then today he is with his Nana, who actually took off today just so she could keep him, but since she's a teacher and schools were called out she was off today anyway. Part of next week will be up in the air for whom Mason will stay with, but we have several options to go with.

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