Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mason and Our Dogs

A few pictures from Monday.

Playing with the dog food.

One littel red curl. So sweet.

Riding in the jeep, that was Uncle Dakota's, then passed down to Justis, and Aiden. Now Huntleigh and Mason can enjoy it, and eventually Kelby.

A little time in the barn.

A mud puddle. Looks like fun!



This is not officially our dog, but he's been hanging around since December, so I guess you could say we adopted him. Needless to say I fed him a couple of times and he stayed around.

Rufus. He actually showed up at our house about 3 weeks after we were married. Again, I fed him a couple of times and he stayed. Phil does not approve of my method of getting dogs, but whatever makes me happy, he just goes along with.

I failed to mention that Mason went to his 15 month check-up last Wednesday. He weighed 26 pounds and 3 ounces, and measured 33 inches long. He's still in the 95 percentile. He had to get two shots and we were out the door.
He now has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. They shine like pearls when he smiles.

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