Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dakota's 8th Birthday Party

Dakota actually turned 8 on May 3rd, but we had his party yesterday.

Check out his cake. GranNanny made this herself. I'm still not sure why none of her cooking talents passed down to me.

The birthday boy!

Cory, Jackson, Justis, Dakota

"Aunt" Cassie and Mason

Mason is really into playing peek-a-bo. He'll pretty much hide behind anything.

"Where did Mason go?"

"There is he is!"

That cupcake sure was good.



Some of the guests.

Justis, Corey, and Colton helping Dakota with his presents.

Mason made a new friend, Jackson. Jackson and Colton(previous picture) are new neighbors to my parents. Jackson is 10 days older than Mason.

Take turns.

Too cute. You never know what the little ones are going to do.

Water gun fight. Corey, Curtis, Dakota, Justis.

Since Mason couldn't shoot a gun, he was satisfied just playing in the bucket of water.

Baylee, Mason, Dakota, Cayden.

Heather and Mason.

This picture brings tears to my eyes. This is why I love photography to capture pure moments like these. Mason and his Great Grandfather.

Mason, Aunt Debbie, Great Granny Rubert, Nikki.

Mason with Great Paw-Paw and Great Granny Pullen.

Mason with his GranNanny.

Mason and Mommy.

I wanted to get a quick picture of my dearest friend and her boys with me and my boy.

Dakota, hope you had a blast at your 8th birthday party. Sissy loves you!
(You maybe asking, "Where is Phil?" He had to work.)


Rachel E said...

What a small world!! Jackson and Colton are my friend Angie and Mat's little boys. I knew they moved to thier farm in Columbia but had no idea they were your parents next door neighbors!! That is too weird!

Brandie said...

Wow, that IS pretty weird. Saturday, was my first time to meet them. Mat is hilarious. Angie didn't get to stay long because she was doing her mother's day with her mom. I thought it was neat that Colton and Dakota are the same age and Jackson and Mason are the same age.

If my parents have anymore get togethers this summer, hopefully you'll see more pictures of them.