Monday, March 9, 2009

Mason Loves Being Outdoors

Mason started Hospi-Tots last Monday. It's a daycare for kids of the hospital employees. After everything that happened with Mason's babysitter, Ella Mae, and after turning one, we thought starting daycare would be good for him. He had a really good week, both of his teachers/caregivers bragged on him. One of them even said, " if they were all as good as him, we wouldn't have any problems." I beamed with pride. When I dropped him off in the mornings he would go to the other kids and not even worry about mommy, but when I came to pick him up he was ready for me. Everything was going good until Friday, when I get a call from Hospi-Tots around 10:00 saying that Mason was running a 101 temperature. I picked him up and headed to the pediatric clinic. By then he was running a 102.5 temp. The nurse gave him some Mortin. The doctor came in, said one of his ears looked a little red, but nothing serious. She did check him for the flu, but it came back negative. Needless to say she gave us more antibiotics, and sent us on our way. By the time we left, Mason's temp. had come down, he didn't even feel warm anymore. I swear he's been on so much antibiotics I don't even know if it's helping him or not. I don't even think the pediatric doctor's look to see what happened on the last visit, they just automatically give a prescription for antibiotics.

Even though Mason was still under the weather Saturday with a runny nose and congestion, we managed to make it to Austin's 2nd birthday party.

Austin got the cutest wagon, and took some others for a ride. You can see Mason just wasn't himself, otherwise I think he would've really enjoyed this ride.

Sunday after church, we were all tired, and thought it was a perfect afternoon to take a nap. After napping, Mason was up and about, feeling a little better. In the picture below, I had laid this banana on the stool after giving Mason a couple of bites. I was fixing supper with my back turned to him, and noticed he had gotten quiet. I then turned around and seen him sitting in the floor feeding himself the banana. He's a sneaky little fella.

Today, I stayed home with Mason, because he was still so congested in his nose. I wanted to make an appt. with the ear, nose and throat doctor to have him check Mason's ears. To my surprise, he said Mason's ears looked great, and that Mason probably just has a little sinus. He also said his ears could be popping and that could be causing him to be cranky. We got back home from the doctor, had some lunch and Mason took a two hour nap. When he awoke, daddy was home and we decided to spend some time outside.

Walking around.

Here Chickie, Chickie, Chickie. I was trying to teach him to call in the chickens.

Cousin Adin was at Nana's and joined us for a little bit.

Once Adin and Nana went back to the house, he tried to go with them.

Helping daddy.


Mason seemed to feel a lot better this afternoon, but was still clingy and whiny. He's also cutting his two, top teeth, which I'm sure is adding to the problem. Hopefully, once he gets completely over this round, he'll be on the road to "recovery." We sure thought once he got the tubes put in he was good to go, but apparently not. Please add Mason to your prayers, that he can get over all this mess and have a full month without being sick.
On good news:
Mason is learning so much these days, and everything Phil and I do he will try to mimic. If I try to tinkle him, he'll try to tinkle me. If I dance, he dances, which by the way he's pretty good at. You can ask him, "where's your belly?" and he knows exactly where it it. He can sometimes point out my eyes, when asked, "where's my eyes?" When he sees one of his play cows he'll say, "moo." Of course his favorite word his, "dog." He says it with such excitement when he sees the dogs. We're hoping that he'll start to pick up on all kinds of things now that he's at daycare, because they do art, read books, play ball, dance to music, play outside, and lots of other things.
If Mason's seems well in the morning I'll be taking him to daycare. I so hope he feels better.
Have a great week. You better enjoy Tuesday, because after that it starts getting cool again. Come on Spring!

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