Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This picture was taken last week when Mason started getting sick. We had given him some Tylenol and apparently he couldn't make it through supper. It was so cute.

Mason loves his daddy's hat, so I gave him his own hat. He never tried to take it off.

I'm not sure what this look is.

Our silly boy.

Mason can now say "mama." I've never been so proud of one word in my life. It's so precious to hear him say. He just goes around saying "ma ma mama." He's been saying "dada" every so often. When he pulls himself up now, he's starting to take a few steps from side to side. He also shakes his head from side to side, "no no no." I can't express how much Phil and I love this little guy. Stay tuned for more of Mason's actions.

It's now 10:30, and I've been watching coverage on the election and witnessed them say Obama is our next President. May God lead, guide and direct him.

Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

great post, brandie. you and phil have a beautiful family.

Brandie said...

Thanks Sarah. I believe you have a super cute family also. You can tell we both beam with pride over our families.

Aunt Cassie said...

I am so glad that Mason is feeling better now! Yes, hearing them say Mama the for the first time is precious! One day it will non-stop!!! You can see how much he loves ya'll b/c his little face lights up when he sees you! You are great parents!

Anonymous said...

AUGH! Jack and Mason are saying "mama"!!! My day will come! Maybe Gavin is just saying mama when he's RUNNING from me!!

BEAUTIFUL families girls! AND BTW, I will update my page soon!

Brandie said...

Hey Corbin,
I didn't think Mason would ever say it, but now it's all the time. I've learned all babies do stuff on their own time line.

So, is Gavin walking now?

OMG, he'll be a year old next month.