They were told to come eat some fish, but they had no idea everybody was there for them. I think they were a little surprised and maybe a little embrassed when everything was said and done. But after 50 years, who cares who sees your wife giving you a peck on the cheek. LOL!
After Saturday night, Phil is already planning our 50th wedding anniversary. We only have 45 more years to go!!
Paw Paw thought we might have spiked his punch.
Just a peck!
Serving the cake, Mary, Edie, Gerald & Heather.
Granny Rubert & Eugene
Granny with best bud, Faye.
Mason sitting on the swing that everybody chipped in to get for Granny & Paw Paw.
I love that smile at 11 wks old.
That has to tickle.
Nanny & Pow Pow talking to Parker.
After Granny & Paw Paw had my dad, they just stopped, they figured enough damage had been done. LOL! There's nobody like my dad!!
Granny & Paw Paw with some long time friends, Faye & Frank Uzzell.
After the party the boys were pooped!
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