Mason has been sleeping in his toddler bed for about a month and a week now. We actually had to put the bed in the living room, since the back room was still not cleaned out and we can not get the baby bed out of his room unless we take it apart. The first 3 nights he woke up in the middle of the night and crawled into bed with us. I'm not a big fan of him sleeping in our bed, but we just did this for the first 3 nights, then the next two or three nights that he woke up, we would put him back in his bed and lay down in the floor beside the bed. He would go back to sleep in about 15 minutes or less. Since that first week he's slept all night every night. Until this past weekend, when we finally got the back room(junk room) cleaned out and everything put in the storage building. So, now Mason's bed is in his NEW room. So, again the first few nights he's woken up and crawled into bed with us again. I'm hoping this weekend if he wakes up, we will take him back to his bed and lay in the floor until he's asleep. Then he'll get use to his new room and if he wakes up and can go back to sleep without coming into our bedroom. Oh, and he's still wearing underwear at night, and one night this week he got up, came to our room, and said, "I have to pee pee, mommy." And he did, in the potty. That was pretty cool. Although that hasn't happened every night, I still think he's making good progress. He's only wet the bed 4 or 5 times since he's been wearing underwear, which has been a month and a half.
Having fun on the go-kart.