Thursday, August 20, 2009

Random Acts by Mason

Mason loves fish, so what else was there to do but buy a fish tank. Now we have three neon tetras in our care. He'll sit on the bar stool at just watch and sometimes let out a giggle.

"ish, ish"

Mason has also become very loving towards his stuffed animals. It's so precious.

"Give the monkey a hug."

Mason cam running out of his room the other day with his old pacifier in his mouth. I about died from laughing so hard. He stopped using a pacifier when he was around 4 or 5 months old, so it was just weird to see it in his mouth again.

He's our little stinker.

Mason is so full of life, it's just a simple pleasure to be in his presence. Just watching him learn new things thrills my soul. God has blessed us beyond measure by giving us our little boy. He's such a smart little guy, he can say so much these days. He repeats everything you say, or at least the last word. Even his teachers at daycare, have said he repeats everything they say. He loves to read books, and really gets into them. We have to read 2 to 3 books every night, unless he's just to tired we only read one. I love it. Some books we've read over and over he can see the picture and know what's going on. Phil and I are trying to cram as much knowledge into that little brain as we can.
Have a good rest of the week.

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