Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another Week with Mason

This past week has flown by. My parents told me the older you get the faster time will go, and I believe it. During work hours I don't mind it though. On to Mason, since he has two teeth now, he tried a bitter biscuit and liked it. Of course he didn't have to clean up the mess it made. He had food up around his ears. Before I had Mason that would've really grossed me out with somebody else's baby, but now I just clean up and don't think anything about it.

Now that Mason can pull up, this is what we see in the mornings when he wakes up. No matter where he pulls himself up, after he's been standing for a few minutes he gets a little fussy, because he doesn't know what to do next.

These were taken yesterday of our cute little guy. He's doing so much these days, I can't imagine what's in store for us as he gets older, but we can wait.

Thanks for checking in on us this week. Be good and have fun this week.
Phil, Brandie, & Mason


Aunt Cassie said...

I love the pictures! That shirt with the racoon on it looks really familiar to me! It seems strange to see that on someone else. My boys did not stay babies very long! Just glad I can share with you!

Brandie said...

Yep, that was Cayden's shirt. I bought Mason a pair of camo pants, so the shirt matched perfect.