Sunday, March 27, 2011

Parker in the Hospital with RSV

We spent March 18 thru the 20th at Maury Regional Medical Center. We took Parker to the doctor that Friday with 102 temperature and a little trouble breathing. They gave him some oxygen and Motrin. Then the doctor came in and said she thought it would be good to admit him and keep an eye on him. Parker never had to be hooked up to an IV, (thank God.) He did a supper job taking his medicines and letting the nurses check him out every 4 hours. Not that I enjoyed being in the hospital, but I have to say he was a cutie in his hospital gown. He is doing a lot better now. He is pretty much over the cough and stuffy nose. He's back to smiling and drooling.

He also turned 6 months old on March 20. He is sitting up pretty good and just this weekend is starting to get his knees under him and rock. So, he could be crawling soon.

Nanny got him a frog. And my friend Cassie got him a lamb.

Just before going home.

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