Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcoming Baby Parker 9/20/10

It was a little weird this time, to go in the hospital at a certain time and your baby is born shortly after being admitted. The upside, no waiting around all day! Even though it didn't take long for Dr.Karen Davis to get the baby out, it seemed like it took longer because we were so anxious to hear/see if it was a boy or girl. She yelled, "It's a BOY!" I cried and Phil laid Parker on my shoulder for a couple of minutes while the nurse took a few pictures, then Phil took him to the nursery. I went off to sleepy land while they put me back together. Then about an hour later, Mason got to meet his little brother. He was so amazed! He just wanted to love on Parker. We had several family and friends come to visit. Unfortunately, after we got moved to a regular room, nausea set in. It seemed like every time somebody came in I would get a sick feeling. I never got sick but came close. I assume it was from the spinal tap (like an epidural.) Luckily, over night the nausea finally went away. The next day was much better except for the soreness at the incision spot. Thank goodness for pain medicine. We got to go home on the 3rd day(Wednesday Sept.22.) Parker checked out just fine. He did lose a few ounces and weighed 8lbs 12oz the day we left.

Phil and I feel so blessed! We couldn't be happier with our family of 4!

A snapshot before heading to the hospital.

I had a scheduled c-section at 7:30am.

Parker, born at 8:09am, weighing 9lbs 2oz and measured 21 inches long.

Mason meets Parker!! He was so sweet with his baby brother. He just wanted to love all over him. It was precious.

Mason's "Big Brother" gift.

Mason, with Nanny's help, picked out this blue bear just for Parker.


Rachel E said...

The boys are so so adorable!! Congrats on your wonderful little family!

Brandie said...

Thanks Rachel! It's been so amazing to be a mother of 2 now. It's actually been a little easier this time, so far.