Friday, August 6, 2010

On the Count Down....(Pregnancy)

I had a doctor's appointment this Tuesday(8/3/10), everything checked out fine. I'm now 32 weeks along but by looking at me, you would think I'm going to deliver any day now (that's what a lady told me on the elevator the other day.) I've gained a total of 20lbs thus far, which is a lot better than I did with the first pregnancy at 32 weeks. There's a really good chance I will be scheduled for a C-section this time, since I ended up having to have one the first time after almost 24 hrs of being in labor. The only way she will let me try a VBAC is if I went on my own, like my water broke or contractions started. But since it looks like this will be a good size baby as well (Mason was 8lbs 10 oz), then she doesn't want to wait for me to go on my own. Honestly, I don't either, I'm ready for this baby to get here, very soon. So, I only have 5-6 weeks left(baby could be here the 1st or 2nd wk of Sept.) I have an ultrasound on 8/18/10, and she will schedule me a day from that ultrasound. I still feel pretty good. I believe my belly has stretched to it's MAX!! All the weight I've gained is in the belly area. I'm carrying 20lbs out front. LOL!

Keep us in your prayers, for the baby and for us as a family. I know having Mason turned mine and Phil's world upside down, but this time it's not just mine and Phil's world, it's Mason's too. My biggest fear, besides my patients level, is that I will lose what I have with Mason. I know that may sound silly for those who have more than one child, but I can't help but have these crazy thoughts wonder through my mind. I'm sure it will only make our family closer and stronger. When I talk about the baby to Mason, he seems excited. He'll say,"I like babies." He does have to say something about every baby we see, no matter where we're at or what we're doing. I am looking forward to watching a relationship grow between Mason and his sibling. Oh, and just think of all the pictures to come!! Although as you can tell, I've been pretty slow about updating the blog, so you know it will only get worse when the baby gets here. :)

Have a great weekend!

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