Well, Phil and I had our first experience with a sick baby last night. Around 7:00, Mason had just finished a bottle (and baby food shortly before that) when Phil sat him up to burp. He burped alright, accompanied with some of his milk. He got sick 3 times before he went to sleep. He didn't have a fever, nor was he cranky. We didn't give him, his night time bottle that he usually takes around 9:30 or 10 because we sure didn't want that to come back up. He fell asleep about 10:00, so I put him in his bed. Twenty minutes later we heard him getting sick over the monitor. I've never seen Phil sprint that fast across the house before. All his baby food was now in his bed. He cried a little but we got him cleaned up. We decided to give him 2 ounces of water, hoping maybe to settle his stomach. The water came back up as fast as it went down. Again, he still had no fever or any other symptoms, just vomiting. He went back to sleep at 11:00. He got sick a couple more times during the night, but just a little. This morning when he got up, I gave him a couple ounces of water to make sure it would stay down. It did and I knew he was hungry so I just gave him 3 of his 6 ounces of milk, to make sure that would stay down. I decided to call work and let them know I would be late because I wanted to make sure Mason was able to keep his milk down. He did, so I took him to the babysitters and got to work at 9:30. I called to check on him and the babysitter said, "he hasn't gotten sick and still no fever, but he has had some pretty "bad" diapers."
I got a little emotional last night after he got sick in his bed. But Phil assured me Mason was okay. So, hopefully this was just a bug that had to pass through his system. I really didn't want to leave him this morning, but I knew he was in good hands at the babysitters and she would call me if anything happened.
Say a little prayer for Mason.
we'll be thinking of you too. sick babies are so pitiful. I feel your pain and Mason's. Hang in there guys!!!
oh no....I hope Mason feels better soon. and yes, just watching Mason sleep will be enough sleep for both you and Phil. Sleep is way overrated...HA!
Luckily Mason is much better. He didn't get sick at all yesterday, and he slept like a champ last night. I guess it was just a "bug" that needed to run it's course.
Thanks Sarah and Corbin for the get well wishes.
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